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Is there a need for an archaeology
of critical thinking?

by Samuel Abraham

The aim of every issue of Kritika & Kontext is to introduce the context of four or five books from the social sciences and humanities which were published in the West during the past fifty years, but were translated into Slovak or Czech only after 1989. Since 1989 the release of numerous scholarly books in Slovakia and the Czech Republic has made available a number of well-known names and titles that were restricted during Communism. How much can we assess the importance of a work when we do not know the context in which it originated, when we often do not know what it was reacting to or how it was assessed by the reviewers? Finally, how is a work that we only now have the opportunity to read currently viewed in the West? 

Also, one has to distinguish between those parts of a book that remain relevant or controversial and those that are already outdated. Usually, only parts of even great books withstand the test of time. 

The motto of Kritika & Kontext, and the topic of the introductory discussion, is Joseph Schumpeter’s famous dictum "to realize the relative validity of one’s convictions and yet stand for them unflinchingly, is what distinguishes a civilized man from a barbarian"

Office Address / Adresa redakcie

Grösslingova 53
811 09 Bratislava, Slovakia

Phone Number

+421 905 727 785
+421 2 59234 471

Order / Objednávka 

Editor-in-Chief and Publisher /
Šéfredaktor a vydavateľ 

Samuel Abrahám

Chief Editor for Philosophy / Hlavný redaktor pre filozofiu 

Egon Gál 

Editors / Redaktori 

Andrej Čierny,
Eva Piovarcsyová

Board of Advisors / Kolégium časopisu

Zuzana Szatmáry (predsedníčka / Chairwoman)
Phillippe Azzie (Carleton University, Ottawa)
Tom Darby (Carleton University, Ottawa)
Béla Egyed (Carleton University, Ottawa)

Jochen Fried (Salzburg Global Seminar, Wien)
Egon Gál (BISLA, Bratislava)
John Hall (McGill University, Montreal)

Miroslav Marcelli (Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava)
Silvia Miháliková (Slovenská akadémia vied, Bratislava)
Waller R. Newell (Carleton University, Ottawa)
Petr Pithart (historik, Praha)
Iveta Radičová (BISLA, Bratislava)
František Šebej (Bratislava)

Sponzors / Časopis vycháda s podporou 

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Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts

Additionally supported by the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation of New York

Where to buy K&K / Zoznam kníhkupectiev s K&K

Panta Rhei Polus City Center, Vajnorská 100, 831 03 Bratislava
Eurobooks Jesenského 5, 811 01 Bratislava
Artforum Kozia 20, 811 03 Bratislava
Academia Štúrova 9, 811 02 Bratislava

Artforum Mlynská 4, 040 01 Košice
Antikvariát Paseka Nám. SNP 17, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Artforum Horná Strieborná 10, 974 01 Banská Bystrica

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